Call for Round Tables and Workshops
The period for sending proposals of ROUND TABLES and WORKSHOPS is open until 18.03.2022 28.03.2022, for the 8th Congress of the Portuguese Anthropological Association (APA) that will take place between 6 and 9 September 2022 in Évora, Portugal, at the premises of the University of Évora.
Submission of proposals: until March 18 March 28 (Monday)
Sending the proposals received by the coordinators to the secretariat: until April 4th (Monday)
Announcement of the list of accepted Papers: until April 22 (Friday)
8th Congress of the Portuguese
Anthropological Association
Evora, September 6-9, 2022
Universidade de Évora
APA opens a Call for Round Tables, whose constitution aims to stimulate the production and creation of scientific networks; and a Call for Workshops, practical events oriented towards interaction, which intend to bring Anthropology and Art closer together.
Both - Round Tables and Workshops - will take place at the same time as the panels, in classrooms of the University of Évora.