Call for Workshops
Workshops serve to accommodate proposals of artistic or not strictly academic scope that may take place in the 8th APA Congress. These should be proposals that do not fit in the panel or round table format and are characterized by providing another type of experience, more dynamic and participatory, or simply with another type of interaction than the oral presentation of research / academic reflection. Here fit activities or shows of collective research, performances, interactive exhibitions and other free-format exchanges.
All workshop proposals should list the practical requirements of the workshop: specifications for the space required, materials, maximum number of participants, etc., subject to confirmation from APA as to the feasibility of their execution.
They will be part of the main congress programme, taking place during the same period as the panels and round tables, scattered around the various classrooms or common spaces available.
Rules for submission of proposals:
A workshop is seen as an activity, organized internally by the convenors, regarding the number of participants and works presented. A workshop can have one 2-hour session or two 2-hour sessions (maximum). The convenors must submit the workshop proposal indicating all the data regarding the authors/participants.
– The submission of proposals is made through the Workshop Submission Form. Proposals sent by e-mail will not be considered. Proposals must contain the following information: name(s)/name(s) of the proponent(s), institutional affiliation and e-mail address; workshop title; short abstract (max. 50 words); long abstract (max. 200 words). The proponent(s) should then fill in the data relative to the works that will constitute the workshop:
– Number of authors and works; name of each participant; affiliation; title of the presentation/work/activity and its synopsis.
– Each proposal that will integrate the workshop should clearly indicate the means that will be needed - audiovisual, computer, space - for its execution. APA will confirm afterwards if it can guarantee the conditions for the presentations.
– Proposals may be written in Portuguese (PT), Spanish (ES) or English (EN); in addition to the language in which it is written, a complementary version in a second language (PT, ES or EN) should always be sent; the proposal should also indicate the working language of the workshop (preferential and never exclusive), if it is approved.
– A proponent cannot coordinate two activities of the congress, whether they are panels, round tables or workshops; he/she can, however, coordinate one activity and co-coordinate another.
– Each proposer or convenor (of panel, table or workshop) may present only one communication to the congress as first author. If you already present a paper in a panel or roundtable, you cannot present a paper in a workshop.
– Coordinators and authors/participants pay registration fee. Their names will appear in the digital book of abstracts and they have access to all the activities of the congress that are not subject to additional payments.
The person coordinating an approved Workshop is responsible for:
– In the period reserved for the submission of Workshop proposals he/she must raise the totality of the proposals that will compose the session and verify that all the proposals that compose the workshop correspond to the format requested above.
– The presented works or proposed activities may be authored by a team or may be from different authors. We do not impose a limit of participants but we remind you that a Workshop can have 1 or 2 working sessions, each session having 2 hours.
– After submitting the form you should await the assessments of the Scientific Committee and only then communicate the results to the authors.
– Authors of proposals or papers approved should be advised that they must comply with the deadlines for registration in the congress, as well as the payment, reminding that the non-compliance may result in the non-inclusion in the program of the Workshop.
– Based on the list of confirmed authors, he/she shall then organise the programme of the workshop he/she coordinates, in particular the order of presentation of the works, the distribution of time and the appointment of moderators (if applicable); he/she shall ask the authors to specify which audiovisual and computer means are necessary for the presentation of their proposals.
Registration fee for the congress:
All authors, co-authors, coordinators, co-coordinators, moderators and discussants are subject to the payment of a congress registration fee. The registration categories with values and deadlines are available on the congress website. The payment of the registration fee ensures the inclusion of data about the author and his/her work in the digital book of abstracts, as well as granting access to all activities of the main congress programme.
General congress deadlines:
Call for Round Tables and Workshops
From 18/02/2022 to March 18 (Friday) March 28 (Monday), 2022
Submission period
From 01/04/2022 to 20/04/2022 (Friday)
Evaluation of proposals by the Scientific Committee.
Until April 22 (Friday), 2022
Announcement of the list of accepted Round Tables and Workshops.
From 25/04/2022 (Monday) to 24/06/2022 (Friday)
Early-bird registration period.
From 25/06/2022 (Monday) to 02/09/2022 (Friday)
Late enrolment period.
From 03/09/2022 to 09/09/2022 (congress week)
Last minute registrations.