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Identity Assertion and Challenges to Livelihood rights of Indigenous population in South- Asian countries.
Identity Assertion and Challenges to Livelihood rights of Indigenous population in South- Asian countries.
Coordenador / Coordinator:
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University
Co-coordenador / Co-coordinator
(se aplicável, não obrigatório / if applicable, not mandatory):
Muralidhar Girls’ College, Calcutta University, Kolkata
Debatedor / Discussant
(se aplicável, não obrigatório / if applicable, not mandatory):
Muralidhar Girls’ College, Calcutta University, Kolkata
Língua principal / Main language: Inglês / English (EN)
Língua complementar / Complementary language: Inglês / English (EN)
Língua de trabalho preferencial (não exclusiva) /
Prefered working language (not exclusive): Inglês / English (EN)
Detalhes do painel na língua principal /
Panel details in main language
Título / Title
Identity Assertion and Challenges to Livelihood rights of Indigenous population in South- Asian countries.
Resumo curto / Short abstract
This panel is aimed at engaging with such debates on how can you problematise the socio-anthropological debate that is going on at the interstices of development, indigenous rights, community consciousness, culture and identity assertion, rights to land, rights to political freedom, right to fight for restoring one’s own cultural forms like artforms, dance, folklores, literature.
Resumo longo / Long abstract
This panel is aimed at engaging with such debates on how can you problematise the socio-anthropological debate that is going on at the interstices of development, indigenous rights, community consciousness, culture and identity assertion, rights to land, rights to political freedom, right to fight for restoring one’s own cultural forms like artforms, dance, folklores, literature, so on and so forth amidst the pressure of development, the aspirations to being called as ‘developed’ and not ‘primitive’ or ‘backward’ and finally, to reinstate their rightful place in the modern economy. The Panel will be based on paper presentations.
The panel subthemes include:
1. The socio-anthropological debates and debates on development and marginality revolving around the context of raising identity assertions among indigenous groups.
2. Rights of indigenous population and the State intervention, including forest rights, rights to political freedom, right to education etc.
3. Historical evolution of indigenous population and their movements to right for existence.
4. Impact of COVID- 19 on the rights to indigenous population
5. Technological innovation, state intervention and challenges to livelihood of the indigenous groups
6. Cultural forms like art forms, folklore, dance forms, language, literature and how are they placed in contemporary world economy.
7. Rights of indigenous groups in South Asia and other countries.
8. Criminalisation and rights to justice for indigenous people.
Detalhes do painel na língua complementar /
Panel details in complementary language
Título / Title
Identity Assertion and Challenges to Livelihood rights of Indigenous population in South- Asian countries.
Resumo curto / Short abstract
This panel is aimed at engaging with such debates on how can you problematise the socio-anthropological debate that is going on at the interstices of development, indigenous rights, community consciousness, culture and identity assertion, rights to land, rights to political freedom, right to fight for restoring one’s own cultural forms like artforms, dance, folklores, literature.
Resumo longo / Long abstract
This panel is aimed at engaging with such debates on how can you problematise the socio-anthropological debate that is going on at the interstices of development, indigenous rights, community consciousness, culture and identity assertion, rights to land, rights to political freedom, right to fight for restoring one’s own cultural forms like artforms, dance, folklores, literature, so on and so forth amidst the pressure of development, the aspirations to being called as ‘developed’ and not ‘primitive’ or ‘backward’ and finally, to reinstate their rightful place in the modern economy. The Panel will be based on paper presentations.
The panel subthemes include:
1. The socio-anthropological debates and debates on development and marginality revolving around the context of raising identity assertions among indigenous groups.
2. Rights of indigenous population and the State intervention, including forest rights, rights to political freedom, right to education etc.
3. Historical evolution of indigenous population and their movements to right for existence.
4. Impact of COVID- 19 on the rights to indigenous population
5. Technological innovation, state intervention and challenges to livelihood of the indigenous groups
6. Cultural forms like art forms, folklore, dance forms, language, literature and how are they placed in contemporary world economy.
7. Rights of indigenous groups in South Asia and other countries.
8. Criminalisation and rights to justice for indigenous people.