

Everyday, silent and invisible resistances.

Coordenador / Coordinator:
Dublin City University

Co-coordenador / Co-coordinator
(se aplicável, não obrigatório / if applicable, not mandatory):
U C Louvain

Debatedor / Discussant
(se aplicável, não obrigatório / if applicable, not mandatory):

Língua principal / Main language: Inglês / English (EN)

Língua complementar / Complementary language: Espanhol / Spanish (ES)

Língua de trabalho preferencial (não exclusiva) /
Prefered working language (not exclusive):
Inglês / English (EN)

Detalhes do painel na língua principal /
Panel details in main language
Título / Title
Everyday, silent and invisible resistances.

Resumo curto / Short abstract
Framing the discussion within informality debates, where informality is defined as “the art of bypassing the state” (Polese 2021), our panel explores a broad range of examples and case studies exploring resistances. This can go from household resistance, performed silently by micro actors, to ouvert insurgency and rebellion, which could originate in some form of informal resistance before being channeled by successful non-state actors that use it to revert the current power structure of a state or a society.

Resumo longo / Long abstract
This panel is intended to survey a variety of forms of resistance(s). Starting from Scott’s concept of unorganized everyday resistance and then continued in his “two cheers for anarchism”, we set out to explore the way resistances happen not only in an open and confrontational way (i.e. contentious politics) but also, and possibly equally important, in modes that are invisible, subtle and avoiding confrontation. By doing this, we rely on the concept of “infrapolitics”, thus maintaining that apparently insignificant actions, repeated thousands or millions of times by actors unaware of one another, have ultimately a political significance and contribute to the construction of the political in a given environment.
Framing the discussion within informality debates, where informality is defined as “the art of bypassing the state” (Polese 2021), we are interested in a broad range of examples and case studies exploring resistances. This can go from household resistance, performed silently by micro actors, to ouvert insurgency and rebellion, which could originate in some form of informal resistance before being channeled by successful non-state actors that use it to revert the current power structure of a state or a society.

Detalhes do painel na língua complementar /
Panel details in complementary language

Título / Title

Resumo curto / Short abstract
Framing the discussion within informality debates, where informality is defined as “the art of bypassing the state” (Polese 2021), our panel explores a broad range of examples and case studies exploring resistances. This can go from household resistance, performed silently by micro actors, to ouvert insurgency and rebellion, which could originate in some form of informal resistance before being channeled by successful non-state actors that use it to revert the current power structure of a state or a society.

Resumo longo / Long abstract
Framing the discussion within informality debates, where informality is defined as “the art of bypassing the state” (Polese 2021), our panel explores a broad range of examples and case studies exploring resistances. This can go from household resistance, performed silently by micro actors, to ouvert insurgency and rebellion, which could originate in some form of informal resistance before being channeled by successful non-state actors that use it to revert the current power structure of a state or a society.
