
Call for Papers


The period for sending proposals of ROUND TABLES and WORKSHOPS is open until March 18 March 28. Paper proposals will integrate the approved panels (published on the website) for the 8th Congress of the Portuguese Anthropological Association (APA) that will take place between september 6 and 9, 2022, at Universidade de Évora.

To submit a paper proposal to the congress, proponents should first consult the list of approved panels in order to identify the most appropriate panel for the paper they are proposing. All proposals should be addressed directly to the coordinators of the panels using the contacts provided with the detailed information of each panel.

Period for submission of paper proposals:
until March 18, 2022 until March 28 (Monday), 2022

Sending the proposals received by the coordinators to the secretariat:
until April 4th (Monday)

Announcement of the list of accepted Papers:
until April 22 (Friday)

Rules for submission of proposals:
– Each poponent may submit only one paper proposal to the congress.
– The paper proposals must contain the following information: name of the proponent(s), institutional affiliation and e-mail address; title; short abstract (max 50 words); long abstract (max 200 words).
– Proposals must be sent directly to the coordinators of the chosen panel (the coordinators’ contacts can be found in the detailed information of each panel).
– Concerning the languages ​​in which proposals should be drawn up (main language and complementary language), proponents should take into account the specifications of each panel (for this purpose check the detailed information about main language and complementary language of the panel to which you wish to submit a proposal). In case of doubt contact the coordinators of the panels directly.
– Depending on the specifications of each panel (see previous point), proposals can be written in Portuguese (PT), Spanish (ES) or English (EN); in addition to the main language in which they are written, proponents must always send a version in the complementary language of the panel (for this purpose check the detailed information about main language and complementary language of the panel to which you wish to submit a proposal).
– Paper proposals must specify from the beginning the audiovisual and computing media necessary for its presentation to the conference.

Evaluation and selection of paper proposals:
– Paper proposals are evaluated directly by the coordinator of the panel to which the proposal was submitted.
– Quem coordena os painéis deve certificar-se que as propostas incluem toda a informação exigida em ambas as línguas (títulos, resumos, filiação institucional, contactos, meios audiovisuais e informáticos necessários), solicitando-a aos proponentes sempre que esta esteja omissa.
– The list of approved papers is subject to the apreciation of the Scientific Committee and subsequently published on the congress website.

The coordinator of an approved panel is responsible for:
– During the period for paper proposals submission the panel coordinator must receive and follow up all proposals to the respective panel, ensuring that the proposals are in accordance with what was required in the Call for Papers.
– For the selection of paper proposals the panel coordinator should take into account that each panel can have one or two sessions, each session having minimum three and maximum five papers.
– Once the selection process is completed, all received proposals should be compiled by the panel coordinator and sent to the congress secretariat, including three lists: a) communications approved; b) communications that do not fit into the panel but have quality to be reallocated in another panel, indicating which one; c) communications not approved.
– After sending the lists to the secretariat and even before communicating the results to the authors (for both approved and unapproved proposals) the panel coordinator should wait for the validation of the Scientific Commission.
– The authors of approved proposals should be advised by the respective panel coordinator about the need to comply with the deadlines for registration at the congress, as well as the respective payment, reminding that non-compliance may result in non-inclusion in the panel program.
– Based on the final list of approved papers, all panel coordinators have to plan / program the respective panel, in particular the order of presentation, the distribution of time (according to the general indications of the congress regarding the time reserved for each panel) panel discussants (if applicable; not mandatory), etc.; panel coordinator should also ask the authors to specify the audiovisual and computer media required for the presentation of their communications.

Registration fee for the congress:
All participants are subject to the payment of a registration fee regardless of their role in the congress (authors, co-authors, coordinators, co-coordinators, moderators, debaters, etc.). The registration categories with their values and deadlines are available on the congress website.

8th Congress of the Portuguese
Anthropological Association
Évora, 6 – 9 September, 2022
Universidade de Évora

The New 20s:
Challenges, Uncertainties and Resistances
The 8th Congress of the Portuguese Anthropological Association (APA) will take place in Évora in September 2022, at a time that we hope will be different from the one we live in today.

The pandemic, which reconfigured our lives and social practices, accentuated doubts and uncertainties, brought fears and apprehensions, and reinforced the need to understand what is happening in the world. We questioned the sustainability of the planet, the balance in the relationship between humans and non-humans (or lack thereof); we confirmed the precariousness of life, the collapse of health systems; we discussed the control of States over our routines, our bodies, and this made us discover new dimensions in our lives.

Now we want to turn a new page
The new 20s are just that: to think that, in the ashes of a decade that has ended, there is a new one at the door – timid, to be sure – but full of challenges.

What expectations do we build for the future? What do we fear, as anthropologists, in public policies, in the scarcities and needs of the communities, in acquired rights? What paths do we take in the reconfiguration of concepts such as normality, routine, private and public space? Which resistances and uncertainties will emerge in the coming years?

In this 8th Congress, we await signs and working hypotheses. We can always continue to observe, listen, record and (re)act. What else can we do as anthropologists engaged with the world and the society(ies) in which we live and work?
