Call for Roundtables
The Round Tables will be proposed, like the panels, by a coordinator, and may optionally have a co-coordinator, moderator, and debater.
The Round Tables should be organized by their coordinators, who will be in charge of gathering the paper proposals and presenting them until March 18 March 28, 2022. As such, this call for Round Tables will not have a subsequent call for papers. The table coordinators will gather the proposals and present them in detail. The submission of proposals is done through the Roundtable submission form.
The Round Tables will run at the same times as the panels, and may have 3 (minimum) to 5 papers (maximum) per each two-hour period. A Round Table can have a maximum of 2 sessions (4 hours of work), i.e. a maximum of 10 papers.
The Scientific Commission will evaluate the proposals received during April. The list of approved Roundtables and Workshops will be released by April 22, 2022.
Rules for submission of proposals:
Rules for submission of proposals:
The rules for submiting Round Tables proposals are similar to those for Panels and Papers, thus safeguarding uniformity in the digital book with all abstracts of Panels, Communications and Round Tables:
– Each proposer or coordinator (of panel, roundtable or workshop) may present only one communication to the congress as first author.
– Round Table proposals are made directly in the form and must indicate the title; short abstract (max. 50 words); long abstract (max. 200 words) in the main working language and in a complementary language. Proposals can be written in Portuguese (PT), Spanish (ES) or English (EN); Table coordinators must indicate the number of communications that compose the table.
– The Round Table paper proposals must be inserted in the form and must contain the following information: name(s)/name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliation and e-mail address; title; short abstract (max. 50 words); long abstract (max. 200 words).
– Regarding the languages in which proposals must be written (main language and complementary language), Round Table coordinators must ensure that all paper proposals are written in the same main and complementary language.
– Round Table proposals must specify the audiovisual and technical conditions necessary for their presentation at the congress.
– Each coordinator and co-coordinator can only submit one proposal for a Round Table. If they are already coordinating a Panel, they can only be co-coordinator (or debater or moderator) of a Round Table.
– In case of omission of this regulation, the same rules will be observed as for panels and communications, namely the obligation to pay the Congress registration fee.
The person coordinating an approved Round Table is responsible for:
– In the period reserved for the submission of Round Table proposals, gathering all the proposals that will compose the table and verify that all the papers/communications of the table correspond to the format requested above.
– For the choice of proposals, take into account that a Round Table can have 1 or 2 working sessions, being that each session has at least 3 communications and at most 5.
– After submitting the form you should await the assessments of the Scientific Committee and only then communicate the results to the authors.
– Authors of approved proposals should be warned about the need to meet the deadlines for registration in the congress, as well as the payment, reminding that the non-compliance may result in non-inclusion in the program of the Round Table.
– Based on the list of confirmed authors, he/she should then organise the programme of the Round Table he/she is coordinating, in particular the order of presentation of the papers, the distribution of time (according to the general indications of the congress regarding the time allotted to each panel/table), the nomination of persons for moderation (if applicable), etc.; he/she should ask the authors to specify the audio-visual and computer needs for the presentation of their papers.